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Professional CDMA Mobile Phone Signal Jammer 925MHz - 960MHz With Remote Control
Sohc jammer springer astros - Professional CDMA Mobile Phone Signal Jammer 925MHz - 960MHz With Remote Control
Sohc jammer springer astros - Professional CDMA Mobile Phone Signal Jammer 925MHz - 960MHz With Remote Control
Detailed Product Description RF Output Power: 10watts Jamming Range: 5-25m Depending On The Environment Signal Strength Net Weight: 13.5kg Jamming Direction: Omni-directional Gross Weight: 15kg Working Time: 24 Hours Operating Temp: -10 To 50℃ Operating Humidity: 5% - 95% Professional CDMA Mobile Phone Signal Jammer 925MHz - 960MHz With Remote Control     Anti-blast design (Isolate Bomb) Suitable for the area with explosive mixture gas (field 1 and field 2) at group T6 of 11B (11C) grade and below group of grade.     Specifications   Output Band Frequency Output power Jamming range 4G LTE800 780-894MHz 3 Watts 5-25 meters CDMA800 869-894MHz 3 Watts 5-25 meters GSM900 925-960MHz 3 Watts 5-25 meters GSM1800 1805-1880MHz 3 Watts 5-25 meters WCDMA 2110-2170MHz 3 Watts 5-25 meters Optional 1. Frequency of each band can be customized 2. Jamming monitoring system for option 3. UPS battery, car adapter for option Warranty 1 year from delivery date Power supply 50 to 60Hz, 100 to 240V AC, With AC adapter Packing list Mainframe*1, Antenna*5, Power supply*1 Applications Meeting Room, Cars, Rest Room, Hospital, Theaters, Church, Office Room, Prison, etc.   Description   1. TSL-PB can work for 24 hours. There are 4 output frequency bands for option. 2. The target jamming signal includes but not limited to CDMA, GSM, 3G & 4G LTE, GPS, UHF, VHF, WiFi and Bluetooth.   3. This model can interference of all mobile phone signal such as WIFI 2.4G signal, Wireless Camera & GPS L2, VHF, UHF, etc. Within the effective range for up to 50meters, Practical for some locations of special purpose such as, hospitals, gas stations, etc.    4. This phone signal jammer is very easy to use. All you need to do is to connect all the antennas and turn the power on. The signal jammer will do the rest for you.   Customized Frequency   CDMA 851-894MHz GSM 925-960MHz DCS 1805-1880MHz PCS 1930-1990MHz 3G 2110-2185MHz 4G (LTE) 725-785MHZ 4G (Wimax) 2300-2410MHZ Lojack 167-175MHZ RF Radio 315MHz RF Radio 433MHz GPSL1/Glonass 1575.42MHz VHF 135-175MHz UHF 435-475MHz GPSL2/Glonass 1227.42MHz Wireless Camera 1.2G 1100-1200MHz Wireless Camera 2.4G 2400-2483MHz Wi-Fi/Bluetooth 2.4G WI-FI, 5G 5500-5900MHz   We can do OEM/ODM based on large quantity, all frequency bands above are available for option.   Jamming monitoring system are availble for all our jammers for projects which require all the jammers be monitored and controlled together by computer from internet.     Application Area   1. It can be applied at prisons, meeting rooms, conference rooms, museums, galleries, theaters, concert halls, churches, temples, restaurants, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, trains, bus and more. 2. For some locations of special purpose such as hospitals, gas stations and more, Please do field test first to make sure no interference happened to the normal operation of their equipment and instrument.   Accessories     1. 1 x English User Manual (If you need, we will send the scan file via email, it will avoid some possible custom issue)     2. AC Power Charger (we will send correct standard power charger which according customer's shipping address)     3. Mounting Screws     4. Band Specific Antennas x 4     Whip antenna specification   Electrical Specifications Frequency Range The same as the jammer channel Impedance 50 Ohm VSWR Gain 3dBi Polarization Vertical Radiation Direction Omni Max. Power Input-watts 50 W Mechanical Specifications Length     210mm Radiating Material  Whip Connector SMA Radome colour Black     Tag: cephone signal scrambler, mobile phone jamming device

sohc jammer springer astros

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item: Sohc jammer springer astros - Professional CDMA Mobile Phone Signal Jammer 925MHz - 960MHz With Remote Control 4.2 41 votes

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